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H&R first live on MortgageApply

H&R Intermediaries is in the vanguard of lenders first to join MortgageApply, the new online application process helping brokers save time and boost their productivity.

MortgageApply has been created by Twenty7Tec, the leading provider of cloud-based technology solutions to intermediaries and lenders.

Twenty7Tec managing director James Tucker announced the first wave of lenders going live at the MAB Conference at Leicester’s Curve theatre.

MortgageApply seamlessly and securely connects intermediary and lender systems, enabling intermediaries to submit an application to H&R through the Twenty7Tec portal after completing the client’s fact find, sourcing them a product and producing a KFI.

The application is received by H&R’s mortgage team without the intermediary having to log into the Society’s system and retype the information.

H&R head of sales and marketing Carolyn Thornley-Yates said:

“We want intermediaries to get to us via their preferred route and this new system gives them a choice in how they do that.

“We like how MortgageApply is speedy and efficient for intermediaries, which means it’s streamlining the process for everyone.  We’re always keen to find better ways to do business together and eliminate any barriers that hamper intermediaries when submitting.”

James Tucker, Managing Director of Twenty7Tec, said: “We are delighted to have worked with H&R on this project to ensure our intermediary users can seamlessly submit applications to its mortgage team through MortgageApply.

“It’s great to see a building society take such a progressive and forward thinking attitude towards technology in a desire to best service the needs of its customers”.